Programmable Point Outputs
Product Information

Programmable Point Outputs
Controls up to 2,048 output points normally used for alarm and trouble. Points can be controlled at System 3505 Prism LX location or remotely by means of a single cable pair (with map driver card not shown). Each output point can drive a 0.1 amp DC load such as a relay or lamp. Each point controller card will accept 16 PPO-64 cards with 64 open collector outputs. Each PPO-64 card can drive two 32 relay output cards. Each relay card is available with 12 or 24 VDC relays (relay power supplied by user). Various options can be used to convert any incoming alarm or trouble condition to a point output.
P/N 010001-0135 Zone/Dialer/Box (ZBD) to Point Option
P/N 000001-0040 Zone/Dialer/Box (ZBD) to Point Software
P/N 400090-0002 PPO-1024 ControllerP/N 450202-0000 PPO-64T Open Collector Outputs
P/N 650130-xxxx Zone Labels-PPO-64 Point Output
P/N 450207-0012 PPO-32 Relay Card 12VDCP/N 450213-0000 Round Cable Interface (RCI)
P/N 400409-0000 AUX-3C, AUX Relay Output, 3 Form CP/N 650137-xxxx Zone Labels, 32 Relay Card Rack