Product Information

DET-6B Dual Line
The DET-6B is an indoor, mounted sixzone solid-state telegraph transmitter that employs a unique code for each zone. It includes a CAM lock, AC transformer, standby battery and built-in charger. The unit is housed in a steel enclosure suitable for indoor mounting.
Telegraph codes unique to each of the six zones for Trouble, Alarm and Secure, and Low Battery are transmitted over a 100-milliampere circuit using positive non-interfering successive (PNIS) line current detection to avoid clashes between more than one transmitting box. Automatic ground return, a watchdog timer, and a jumper-selected internal trouble buzzer assure continued main system operation and operator notification in the event of box failure. A built-in trouble relay output (Form C) and the ground and code relay (grounding, opening, or no effect on the 100 mA line) are activated by the watchdog timer ensuring reliable failure detection in the event of malfunction.
Transmission speed is adjustable to match that of mechanical boxes. Unit can be programmed to send any number of rounds (or no rounds) on alarm, trouble, secure and low battery.
Automatic switchover to battery power is performed upon AC power loss with a low battery code transmitted if power is not returned in approximately 50 hours. After transmitting a low battery code, the unit bypasses all input circuits to avoid spurious transmission of false alarms.
The DET-6B is field-programmable with an optional EPROM programmer and PC software. The DET-12B, a dual six-zone version (total of 12 zones), in a larger enclosure is also available. Use of Lightning Protection is recommended on both DET-6B and DET-12B.
DET6B: Height: 12.0", Depth: 3.5", Width: 11.5"
DET12B: Height: 15.0", Depth: 4.0", Width 13.5"
Power: 115 VAC, 50/60 Hertz, 16-24 VAC 50/60 Hertz with no step down transformer, 24 VDC or 12 VDC (separate terminals) 120 mA standby, 170 mA operating
Input Resistance: Up to 7,000 Ohms based on EOL value selected (see Table 1)
Input Channel Activation: 6 or 12 Channels EOL resistor (5.6K) Low Battery Detection
Operating Control: None - All functions are set in EPROM
Visible LED Indicators:
Main Power: Green,
Trouble: Yellow,
Watchdog: Red,
On-line: Red (transmitting)
Output 1 - 10 Telegraph Codes, program each zone; Open or Ground Telegraph Line on Failure (or local failure); Form C Trouble Relay
NFPA-72 Compliant