Remote Annunciator
Product Information

Remote Annunciator 23.8inch Display
The DIGITIZE Remote Annunciator is used to provide multiple operator interfaces for one or more System 3505 / System 3505 Prism LXs™.
The 23” Remote Annunciator features programmable color and sound schemes (.wav files) for events, historical data and data export functions. The Remote Annunciator links to the System 3505 / System 3505 Prism LXs™ using a standard Ethernet connection, provided by others. Multiple Remote Annunciators can be networked to System 3505 / System 3505 Prism LXs™ to provide specialized alarm monitoring by department or alarm priority e.g., separate Remote Annunciators for fire, security, and/or maintenance. All event information is passed from the System 3505 Prism LX™ to the Remote Annunciator without programming.
The 23” Touch Screen Remote Annunciator allows personnel to monitor all System 3505 / System 3505 Prism LXs™ activity from more than one location. The Remote Annunciator allows key information to be displayed, annunciated, and acknowledged, as well as providing instant access to key alarm data. Additional capabilities include filtering by alarm priority and password protected control of access to system programming and data functions, which will prevent unauthorized changes and errors.
Operator & dispatcher features/benefits include increased efficiency, notification in the event of signal interruption, the ability to export the alarm history log (in comma delineated files) to other programs (e.g., Excel or Word) for preparation of user- defined reports and providing the exact System 3505 / System 3505 Prism LX™ data including user-defined instructions and customizable dispatcher’s log.
Additional Options Available
Digitize SMS Text-2-Cell Option: Small Message Service Text-2-Cell transmits alarm data and System 3505 / System 3505 Prism LX™ user-defined text to pre- programmed groups of designated recipients for alarms, troubles, supervisory and other conditions (based on filter settings selected by user) via a cell phone network and/or e-mail. Please see cut sheet 750574-0001 for more details.
In/Out of Service Option: Remotely control placing Events In and Out of Service.
Relay Control Option: Includes the ALL OUT Feature.
System 3505 / System 3505 Prism LX™, sold separately
- 23” High Resolution Touch Screen Display
- Fast CPU and a large hard drive to hold thousands of alarm events
- Easy access to: Downloadable Event History & Downloadable TEST History
- Easy Windows® drop down programming
- Independent Administrator and operator functions
- Alarm priority filtering
- Data export functions
- Int. Speakers & Audio Output Line
- Custom Sounds & Colors
- SST Transmitting (optional)
- SMS Text-2-Cell (optional)
- In/Out of Service (optional)
- Customizable dispatcher’s log
- Includes Desk Stand and industry standard VESA rear mtg holes