Line Driver Cards
Product Information

Line Driver Cards
Line driver cards provide line-to-line isolation for a variety of data protocols including RS-422/485 (Style 3 and Style 6), Audio, Polling Radio, Fiber Optics (single or multi-mode), RS-232, Ethernet and High Level Audio Modem. Up to 32 Line Driver Cards can be mix or matched in any one Line Driver Rack. Line Driver Cards plug into Line Driver Rack(s) which are connected to the System 3505 Prism LX™.
Options that utilize a variety of Line Driver Cards and the Line Driver Rack include: Polling Multiplex, Network and Dual Network, Q-MUX™, and the Remote Line Printer.
One separate line-driver rack is required for each option. Any combination of up to 32 line driver cards can be installed in one line driver rack. Four Line Driver Racks can be installed for Multiplex and Network options on a single System 3505 Prism LX™ for a total of 128 Line Driver Cards per application. Applications include Network, Multiplex, Q-MUX and Remote Line Printer.
System 3505 Prism LX™ Options that may use Line Drive Cards (with a line driver card rack) include: Polling Multiplex, Network and Dual Network, Q-MUX™, and the Remote Line Printer.
P/N 400504-0001 FIBER, 62 MICRON, STYLE 7, For communications over style 7 multimode Fiber lines. Provides 18 DB Flux budget. Use with Multiplex and Network. Can also be configured for Style 3 communications.
P/N 400504-0002 LINE DRIVER, SINGLE MODE FIBER, Communications over style 7 single mode Fiber lines. Provides 18 DB Flux budget. Use with Multiplex and Network.
P/N 400508-0001 LINE DRIVER, RS-485, MUX, STYLE 3, Provides standard RS-422/485 data line driver. Requires one data cable (dry phone pair) for connections. Suitable for use in Multiplex, Network, Q-MUX and Line Printers applications. Digitize recommends that a typical RS-485 Driver be used with up to eight DGM/Muxpad units based on distance of dry phone cable. Four DGM/Muxpad units would be the ideal, taking into account the possibility of a line failure.
P/N 400508-0002 LINE DRIVER, RADIO, with RF TX/RX, Includes line driver card with connector to plug-in the Motorola RNET and Modem Card (included).
P/N 400508-0003 LINE DRIVER, RS-485, STYLE 6, Provides standard RS-422/485 data line driver. Requires two data cables (dry phone pairs), one pair exiting from line driver, and the second pair for the looped return. Suitable for use in Multiplex, Network and Q-MUX applications. Digitize would suggest that no more than 25 DGM/Muxpads be installed on a Style 6 Loop. Adjust the number of DGM/Muxpad units down when long loops are used (more than two miles).
P/N 400508-0005 LINE DRIVER, SYSTEMS 3505, Ethernet Used to connect DGM/Muxpad IIs over an Intranet, (Local Area Network) via UDP/IP protocols. Suitable for use in Multiplex and Network applications.
P/N 400505-0001 Audio Modem, High Level, Used for connecting devices via 1200 BAUD audio communication lines. The connection is via standard telephone network, fiber optic link or microwave, etc., where the transmission media is an audio signal in the standard voice band. Suitable for use in Multiplex, and Network applications.