Product Information

NOTE: The DDI-11E now has very limited availability from Digitize.
Call us now to discuss the next generation of this device and possible alternative technologies.
The DDI-11E is a dual line external Digital Alarm Communicator Receiver (DACR) module capable of processing several Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter(DACT) formats, including Contact ID account information. Only one DDI-11E may be connected to a System 3505 Prism Lx™ (Consult factory for expansion beyond one DDI11E).
The Digital Dialer Interface option allows the System 3505 Prism Lx™ to receive alarms through a dial-up telephone network (POTS line). The Dialer Option with Negative Dialer Option software provides conversion of coded information from the receiver into the proper format for processing by the System 3505 Prism Lx™. Eight conversion tables including “On the Fly” conversions are provided by the SYSTEM 3505 Prism Lx™.
The DDI-11E is a dual-line external DACR module (P/N425196-0005 and 425196-0006) that will accept any pulsed dialer rate from 10 to 40 (37) BPS using 3x2, 4x1, or 4x2 format and Contact ID (See complete format list on backside).
The DDI-11E will process all dialer formats now available with the DDI-7/8/9/10 (please note the unit cannot mix 3x2 formats with 4x1 formats). Converting from the DDI-9E/10E to the DDI-11E should not require any setup changes for the existing formats. With 9th edition software, the SYSTEM 3505 Prism Lx™ will auto detect a DDI-9E, DDI-10E, and DDI-11E.
The SYSTEM 3505 Prism Lx™ provides the user with built in features to control and manage the dialer data received. Features include: Assigning the account to one of eight conversion tables to “translate” the dialer codes, maintain supervision, allow clearing of older dialers that do not send restorals, keep track of multiple activations of CID accounts to insure the same number of restorals are received, activation of codes for “restore all”, force daily test when test indicates trouble at control panel, sort customer data base, print missed dialers including owner/location data, supervise either or both phone lines, DDI-11E printer supervision, conversion tables by zone and English equiv., “on the fly” zone conversions for unique accounts (up to 1600).
- Dual line external Digital Alarm Communicator Receiver (DACR) module
- Processes dialer alarm, trouble and restore signals through a POTs line dial-up telephone network
- Integral caller-ID (with service provided from telephone company)
- Supervises telephone line to verify connection
- Caller ID based selection of which handshake to answer phone with first.
- Powered from the SYSTEM 3505 PrismLx™.
- NFPA-72 Compliant
- Event Log retains the last 1800 events in the event disconnection from the SYSTEM 3505 occurs.
- DDI-11E setup with included PC software.
- Processed Dialer activity is routable to an Automation system with proper options in the SYSTEM 3505 PrismLx™.
Power Requirements: V to 12V, 400mA. Power and Battery backup obtained from connection of DDI-11E to the SYSTEM 3505 Prism Lx™
Communications: Type: Pulse, DTMF, FSK;
Reception Speed: 10, 20, 40 pps, DR/CS;
Handshakes & Kiss-off: 1400/2300/2225Hz;
Pulse Frequency: 1800/1900 Hz;
Telim/Robofon: 1180/1100 Hz
Phone Connection: 2 ea. RJ11 telephone line jacks
Printer Connection: USB connection (This will work independently from the systems printer. Printer must be purchased separately)
Dimensions: Height: - 2.0 in.; Width: - 6.25 in.; Depth: - 9.0 in
Supported DACT Formats:
A - Silent Knight/Ademco slow, 10 BPS 3/1, 4/1, 4/2, non-extended format
B - Silent Knight fast, 20 BPS 3/1, 4/1, 4/2, non-extended format
C - Silent Knight/Ademco slow 10 BPS 3/1, extended format
D - Silent Knight/Ademco fast 20 BPS 3/1, extended format
E - Sescoa, Franklin, DCI, Vertex, 20 BPS 3/1, 4/1, 4/2, non-extended format
F - Sescoa, Franklin, DCI, Vertex, 20 BPS 3/1, extended format
G - Radionics 3/1, 4/2, non-extended format
H - Radionics 3/1, 4/2, non-extended with parity format
I - Radionics 3/1, extended format
J - Radionics 3/1, extended with parity format
K - Silent Knight, Contact ID (Ademco)
L - FBI-Superfast
O - Modem 111-2A